30 Human Foods That Cats Can Eat Besides Cat Food

what to feed cat when out of food

Cats are one of the most popular pets in America. Many people enjoy having a cat because they are relatively easy to care for and entertaining to watch. However, one thing that many cat owners don’t know is what cats eat besides cat food?

There are thirty plus human foods that cats can eat as well as they also can consume some of your groceries. So here are some harmless staples that you can share with your cats. So let’s start looking at what to feed cat when out of food!

Our experts recently discuss what causes hyperthyroidism in cats and also list the best cat foods for hyperthyroidism that can keep your cat active and provide a healthy lifestyle.

30 Human Foods That Cats Can Eat Besides Cat Food

Meats & Fish

  1. Chicken
  2. Fish/Salmon
  3. Turkey
  4. Mutton & Beef
  5. Fish/Tuna
  6. Shrimp
  7. Bacon and ham
  8. Eggs


  1. Apple
  2. Bananas
  3. Melon
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Pears
  6. Strawberries
  7. Raspberries
  8. Cranberries
  9. Pineapple
  10. Blueberries
  11. Pumpkin
  12. Avocados


  1. Carrots
  2. Spinach
  3. Lettuce
  4. Green Beans
  5. Celery
  6. Cucumbers
  7. Peas
  8. Lettuce

Grains, Cereals & Others

  1. Rice
  2. Oatmeal
  3. Cheeze
  4. Breed
  5. Fish oils

Meats & Fish

You can feed your cat different types of meat and fish. Both of these are rich in animal protein and provide primary nutrients to cats, which helps them maintain and grow muscle mass and get energy for day-to-day activities.

Either cooked or served plain, you can feed any meat without additives like sauces and seasonings. Not fried, it contains a lot of fat, but you can serve boiled, baked, and grilled meat & fish.

Cats love the flavor of fish which is specific for feline species. If you give them fresh or canned fish, it will help them maintain their teeth health by cleansing them with the rough surfaces of meats.

To protect your feline from viruses and bacteria, you need to cook the meat well, so the bacteria and viruses on it are killed.

1. Chicken

It is a great source of protein for cats and helps them repair cells and tissues, while on the other side, chicken is full of amino acid cysteine, which clears mucus.

The little carnivores need high-quality protein, which can only be sourced from the animals. Therefore, chicken is most suitable because it’s low-calorie and protein-rich that fits the bill.

Veterinarians recommend the chicken most because it is easy to digest for cats, rich in Omega-6, and provides short bursts of energy for playing and walking outside. While on the long it benefits feline to maintain muscle mass and improve the immune system.

2. Fish/Salmon

Cats need a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients they get in the wild. Salmon is a good source of all B-Vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
  • Vitamin B12

While it is also rich in minerals like niacin, potassium, and selenium. Nowadays, most high-quality cat foods are based on this protein source. Cats can have many benefits when fed this fish like:

  • It improves joint function
  • Promote healthy skin and coat
  • Decrease allergies
  • Reduce inflammation
  • improve cardiovascular functions

You can provide a cat with raw salmon, baked, cooked, and smoked.

3. Fish/Sardines

Yes, sardines are suitable for your feline friend.

Cats love to eat sardines just as they dog salmon and other oily fish. Cats do not eat fish in the wild, so it’s not clear where they develop this habit. It is packed with protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, water, and calories.

For cats, sardines provide bone strength, cardiovascular well-being, deals with inflammation, reduce anxiety, improve brain functions, provide kidney support, as well as contain omega 3s.

Just like salmon, you can serve it in any shape.

4. Turkey

It is a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, and folate. When cats eat this meat, their body absorbs the protein effectively because it contains a balanced ratio of amino acids.

This source of protein satisfies the cat’s nutritional needs; plain, unseasoned, boneless, skinless turkey is safe for indoor cats. While raw turkey can pose many threats to cats, bacterial contamination may contract salmonella.

5. Mutton & Beef

It would help if you fed these meats in moderation because they are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. You should provide such food to your feline infrequently (less than once every few weeks).

Mutton is low in fat, high in protein, rich in essential minerals and vitamins needed for a healthy cat. On the other hand, beef has a lot of protein and calories.

6. Fish/Tuna

It provides high-quality protein like chicken, but it doesn’t contain as many omega-3s as salmon does.

As you know, tuna is one of the most popular seafood for humans; this fish is rich in niacin, which keeps them heart-healthy. They also contain vitamin A, B12, and phosphorus.

Tuna is delectable seafood for your cats, they like the flavor of fish most, so this food fits their need too.

7. Shrimp

It is one of the healthiest seafood, low in fat and high in protein. Shrimp is rich in vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, choline, and phosphorus. You can serve this to your cats as treat food because it has lots of calories.

8. Bacon and Ham

You can offer both of these foods to cats occasionally.

These are processed meats, which are high in salts and preservatives. They should be avoided because they cause lots of health issues. In addition, cats are fussy eaters; it is difficult to control what they eat especially when you’re not at home.

So better not to feed your cat these meat varieties unless they need it for survival.

9. Eggs

It is an excellent source of Animal Protein, riboflavin, choline, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, and selenium. The white part is more nutritious than yolk because it contains more protein when it comes to eggs.

Boiling, poaching, scrambling, or frying eggs is the best method to feed them to your cart (without using butter or salt).

Fruits That Cats Can Eat

Cats will not eat the fruit in the wild. However, if you give your cat a small amount of fruit, they love it. Therefore, under-listed fruits are safe for your cats.

1. Oranges

They are a good source of vitamin C, which is necessary for cats to produce collagen (important for the skin). It also contains lots of minerals like potassium and folic acid.

2. Apple 

It is suitable for your feline friend. They can eat this fruit in small quantities because it contains many minerals and vitamins like vitamin B, calcium, copper, and iron. Raw or cooked apple is safe for cats.

3. Bananas

They are low in calories, high in fiber, and rich in vitamins. Cats can eat bananas because they don’t negatively impact their health but avoid overfeeding them this fruit; otherwise, it will cause diarrhea.

4. Melon (Honey dew, Cantaloupe, Casaba)

Cats like the flavor of these fruits; they contain lots of potassium and vitamin A. They are also full of antioxidants which prevent various types of cancers. Cats can eat cantaloupes and cannabis in small quantities (once or twice a week), but honeydew is not good for them.

5. Berries (blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.)

Cats like the flavor of these fruits, too; they contain high vitamin C and lots of antioxidants. You can feed your cat small quantities of berries (twice a week), but don’t ever give them grapes because they are responsible for renal failure in cats.

6. Grapes

They are harmful to your cat; both grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in cats, so keep them away from your feline friend.

7. Pears

It is a low-calorie fruit containing minerals and vitamins like vitamin C, copper, folate, potassium, and fiber. You can feed your cat small quantities of pears (once or twice a week).

8. Pineapple

It is an exotic fruit, cats like the flavor of pineapple most. Pineapple contains bromelain, which prevents cancer and heals wounds. It also reduces inflammation in their body. Cats can eat fresh or canned pineapple without any risk, but avoid overfeeding them this fruit because it has a lot of calories.

9. Pumpkin

It contains lots of fiber, vitamin A and E. In addition, the seeds have omega 3 fatty acids, so it is good for your cat’s heart. You can feed your cats a teaspoon of canned pumpkin or cook fresh pumpkin once a week.

10. Peaches

Cats love the flavor of peaches; they are safe to eat because they contain lots of vitamin C and antioxidants. You can feed your cat small quantities of peaches (once or twice a week).

11. Avocados

They are very nutritious for humans, but do you know avocados are safe to eat for cats? Avocado is good for their coat, and it strengthens their claws. They can eat small amounts of avocado (once or twice a week) because they are full of calories.

Veggies That Cats Can Eat Besides Cat Food

1. Carrots

You can give your cat raw or cooked carrots, but avoid giving them too much because it is not good for their digestive system.

2. Spinach

It is one of the good sources of vitamin A and C. Cats can eat spinach because it has lots of minerals like magnesium, potassium, and folate, which are necessary for their body’s function.

It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body. This is good for their heart too! You can give your cat cooked or raw spinach (1/4 cup), but don’t overfeed them this vegetable, or else it can cause diarrhea.

3. Lettuce

It is low in calories and aids in digestion. Cats can eat lettuce because it has lots of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins like vitamin A, C, and E, which prevent cancer. You can give them romaine or iceberg lettuce (1 cup), but again don’t overfeed them this vegetable.

4. Green Beans

They contain lots of fiber and antioxidants, and they also prevent cancer. You can give your cat cooked or raw green beans (1/4 cup), but don’t ever give them soybeans because it causes digestive problems in cats.

5. Celery

Cats love the flavor of this vegetable; it contains lots of antioxidants and minerals. However, you can give your cat small quantities of celery (twice a week) because it is not good for their digestive system.

6. Cucumbers

They are healthy for humans, and they don’t contain lots of calories. Cats like the flavor of cucumbers; it is not suitable for them in large quantities because it can cause stomach problems. You can give your cat in small amounts (twice a week).

7. Peas

They are suitable for your cat’s heart because they contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids. You can give them fresh or canned peas (twice a week) but limit the quantities; one spoon is enough.

To educate new furkid parents we recently added a few new resources; is it cheaper to make your own cat food? and Why do dogs eat cat food? That discusses what dogs like in cat food and why they prefer to grab it as well as how you can stop them.

Few cats bury their food if your’s is also one then it’s not a point to worry just find our reason, we list the most common ones and find out what cat food tastes like?

Grains, Cereals & Others

Grains and Cereals are good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. As a carnivore, cats’ digestive tracts are pretty efficient at processing carbohydrates right grains, and cereals.

  • Rice: It is not good for their digestive system, but cats can eat it in small quantities (twice a week).
  • Oatmeal: It contains lots of fiber it is suitable for their heart and digestive system. You can give your cat oatmeal but don’t overfeed them this food because it might cause diarrhea.
  • Cheeze: It contains lots of protein and calcium, and it is good for their heart. You can give small quantities (twice a week), but don’t overfeed them because some cats are lactose intolerant.
  • Fish oils: It contains lots of omega-three fatty acids, and it is good for the heart. You can give small quantities (twice a week).
  • Flax seeds: They contain lots of fiber, and they are suitable for your cat’s digestive system. You can give them whole or grind flaxseeds, but don’t overfeed them because they might cause diarrhea.