How to Give a Cat Liquid Medicine in Food? (The Easy Ways)

how to give a cat liquid medicine in food

Giving your cat liquid medicine is not as difficult as you might think. Cats are compassionate creatures, so it is vital to understand their needs before administering medication to them.

Let’s learn how to give a cat liquid medicine in food?

First, know that cats do not take kindly to being force-fed or having things shoved down their throats. So you need to make sure they can eat the food independently without any help from you.

“Cats are typically very picky about what they’ll eat,” says veterinarian Jessica Vogelsang of Animal Medical Center in New York City.” “If they’re not eating their regular food, they may not want to eat anything else either.” This means that even when we think we’ve found a spoonful of jelly that will make the medicine go down, they’ll likely avoid it altogether.

To keep your cat protected from any pancreatitis you can switch to the best cat food for pancreatitis which acts as a cure and also becomes prevention.

Steps for Giving Your Cat Liquid Medicine

  1. Find a quiet, well-lit place where your cat may feel safe and comforted.
  2. Before each use, shake the medication bottle as directed.
  3. To make your cat more at ease, wrap him in a towel or fleece.
  4. To keep your cat from retreating, stand them in the bend of your elbow (facing away from you).
  5. Use one hand to support your cat’s chin and gently but firmly grasp it with the other.
  6. With your other hand, carefully insert the dropper or syringe into your cat’s mouth by their cheek with a little bit of pressure.
  7. Squeeze the dropper or depress the plunger to administer the medicine directly into your cat’s mouth, aiming to deposit the liquid near the back of your cat’s tongue.
  8. After dosing, reward your cat with wet food or goodies to help them form a positive association with the event.

How to Give Medicine to a Cat (When the Cat Is Willing)

1. Make sure you have your medication, a treat, and a treat syringe or dropper. Have your cat’s favorite food ready to go as well — it will work best if he is hungry. If possible, find a nice calm place to give him his meal so that distractions don’t surround him.

2. Put your cat in a comfortable spot, like on the floor or your lap. Then let him eat his meal while you play with him and give him some attention. If he seems nervous, try wrapping him in a towel or putting him in an enclosed space (like in the bathroom) – this will help to take away his sense of vulnerability.

3. Once he’s done eating, give him the medicine in his food. For liquid medication, mix it with a small amount of watery canned food that has the same consistency as his kibble (chicken or tuna work well). Add just enough so that he’ll eat it all up, and make sure to keep an eye on him to make sure that he eats all of it.

4. Reward your cat with a treat or food after he has eaten the medication in his meal. These treats should be something special like boiled chicken, tuna, or cheese – not kibble (the goal is for him to associate medicine time with tasty things). You can also give him some extra love and attention during this time to help make him feel more at ease.

5. If your cat is willing, you can also try giving him his medication by mouth. This can be done by gently grasping his chin with one hand while you put the dropper or syringe into his mouth with the other. Be sure to aim for the back of his tongue so that he swallows it. Then give him a treat as a reward.

6. If your cat doesn’t like having things put into his mouth, you can try putting the medication on his paw instead. This will help him lick it off and ingest it that way.

7. If all of these methods fail, you may have to resort to giving him an injection. ThiA veterinarian best does this if you must do it yourself; be sure to get proper instruction and training first.

Mix the Medicine with Canned Food

Medicine in humans and cats is usually flavored, especially when you need to give it to them frequently.

Veterinary professionals will sometimes recommend that your cat eat the medicine mixed with canned food or treats. Because this helps mask the taste of medication and makes giving it to your cat easier – much like children’s Tylenol has a taste dog, and cats don’t like.

What If Your Cat Is Foaming at the Mouth??

If your cat is foaming at the mouth, there could be a few different reasons for it. First, you should try to determine if the cause of his foam mouth is related to his wellness or not.

If he just spent some time outside playing and has been rolling around on the ground, then this behavior may be nothing more than typical feline behavior.

However, suppose your cat is foaming at the mouth and has been exhibiting other concerning symptoms, like vomiting or diarrhea. In that case, he may be ill, and you should take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your cat is not displaying any other concerning symptoms, you can try to rule out some other causes of foam around the mouth.

We recommend you to read the fact and detail about how much raw food to feed a cat while on the other side our experts also publish a detailed guide on when to switch from kitten food to cat food for a safe transition.

After Giving Your Cat Medication

After administering medicine to your cat, you should monitor him and wait for any signs of an adverse reaction.

If he seems unwell or is showing other concerning symptoms, then take him to the veterinarian right away.

If your cat shows no adverse reactions after receiving his medication, then you can reward him with some treats and love.

Hopefully, this will help him associate taking his medicine with something positive and make the experience less stressful for him.